kurt, chris and i are supposed to see the lloyd cole and the commotions' 20th anniversary/commemoration of the release of "rattlesnakes" gig (sheesh. a little longer there, lloyd?) october 15th, hammersmith apollo, london, england, uk, the world. i have the tickets to the gig, but not for london.

i'm worried about flying through "bush country" just before november elections, i know i shouldn't be, but i am. i could always go through tokyo, i suppose. there's also a matter of having the dosh for the dealio. london is ex-pen-sssssive. chris says they've spent their london cash on a new washer and dryer, and i spent mine on a dyson. we probably spent the same amount of money. i know, i know, i've heard some middling things about dysons, but omigod, if you had seen how much stuff i sucked up with that thing on the first go. really makes you aware of what you step on, you know? i had to wait 4 effing months of this thing, but it is worth it. i think.

if nature abhors a vacuum, then what am i, as i destroy them? in the past five years i've had to buy six (dyson's the sixth). burnt motors, crazed sucking action, no will to live....i'm hoping the dyson will survive. it's great--light, sturdy, quiet, efficient, bagless...there must be something really wickedly wrong with it. i've already started the dyson death watch--we're at one month, two full house sweeps, about one rug away from maximum canister capacity. hey, can i start a dyson death watch blog? maybe someone already has one....

my dyson full gear, arrived june 11, 2004. at one month, five days: so far, so good.